In times of economic turmoil, it may be wise to live life on a budget. In fact, you may have a better time because you won’t be keeping up with ‘The Jones’ anymore; you’ll be more relaxed. If you’re scared to live life on a budget, take the fear out by jumping in without hesitation. The quicker you pay off your credit card debt the better. Let’s face it, being $25,000 or more in debt isn’t a way to live — it’s a heavy burden. Relieve yourself of your debts by living life on a budget.
10 Full Proof Ways to Enjoy Life on a Budget
Enjoy local sports. Instead of paying $250 or more for a night out with the family at an MLB, NFL, or NHL game; attend a college, high school, or minor league event. Not only can your local teams use your support, they can save you a ton of money.
Take advantage of the local arts. If watching a high school’s orchestra isn’t for you, find out where the nearest conservatory is located. Perhaps the professional arts school opens performances to the public for free. Maybe you can find an ‘arts in the park’ festival.
Get organized. Believe it or not, organizing your home can help you organize your life. Clean out the basement, garage, junk room, great room, or your home office. Toss out anything that’s been hanging around for one year or more — donate or sell it. When in doubt, toss it out!
Reduce the cable bill. Do you really watch all of those cable stations? If not, get rid of them. You may want to get rid of cable all together. If you have the internet, you can watch your favorite shows online. Also, you can order DVDs online for as little as $10 per month and keep them for as long as you like. Isn’t it better to watch shows and movies that you want to see rather than having programming chosen for you?
Hold the reservations. Save money by cooking at home instead of going out to eat. Invite family and friends over a home-cooked meal. It will be fun to catch up with friends you haven’t seen in awhile. Cooking at home is healthier because you can use fresh, organic products and reduce the fat. There’s nothing like getting a meal ‘exactly’ the way you want it. Who knows, you may enjoy cooking and start a catering company. It could happen!
Say goodbye to the gym membership. Gyms won’t like this one but you can save money by taking advantage of parks and your neighborhood. Working out doesn’t have to be dull and boring. Run around the park and do chin-ups using the playground equipment. Go for a bike ride around the neighbor. Hike at the local mountain park. You may have to buy hiking shoes but you can always find them on sale. If you have kids, buy some chalk and make a ‘hopscotch board’ because hopping around will burn calories and improve your coordination. Buy a jump rope (doesn’t cost that much) and skip rope with your kids. Become a kid again and allow your imagination to come up with ‘fun’ ways to workout. Not only will you lose weight, you’ll have fun doing it.
Volunteer. Charitable organizations can always use your time. Become a dog walker at your local animal shelter. Be a mentor to kids. Call your favorite charity and ask how you can help.
Do you have a dream? Life takes over and before you know it you kiss your dreams goodbye. Rediscover your dreams and take steps to live them. If you’re laid off, it would be a great time to reconnect with your ‘inner’ painter. If you love to write, start a blog. You can use ‘free’ blogging platforms. It’s never too late to pursue your dreams.
Find old friends. Social media makes it easier to find former high school and college friends; co-workers, neighbors, and other people from yesteryear. Reconnect with these people — it could be a lot of fun! Who knows, you could end up becoming business partners or discover that your high school sweetheart has been searching for you. You never know!
Vacation in your own backyard. Did you know that where you live is a destination for tourists? Take advantage of RV parks, camp grounds, and other tourist attractions. Sometimes a weekend trip is all you need to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. You can probably get a coupon book that has a lot offers in it that will save you money on hotels, rental cars, and restaurants.
My name is Rebecca Sebek, owner of, a website dedicated to freelance writing.
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10 Ways to Enjoy Life on a Budget
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