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News — credit

How To Find A Credit Counseling Service You Can Work With

credit credit counseling credit repair debt finance

A credit counseling service is something that many people could use. Millions of people struggle with paying their bills on time every day across the United States. People can find great credit counseling services online. A credit counseling service can be a great resource for people who have a lot of debt and have issues managing it. Credit counseling teaches people how to effectively manage their personal finances. Many people get in over their heads with their credit cards. They do not understand how credit card fees and charges work and then they end up racking up thousands of dollars...

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A Good Credit Score Means More Than Just Getting a Loan

credit credit score loans

When you think of the benefits of having a good credit score, you usually start with how your score affects your ability to get financing. A good score makes it easier to get a loan such as a car loan or mortgage, and it is key in getting a low-interest rate. A bad credit score will make lenders leery of giving you money so even if they are willing to approve your application (something that certainly isn’t a sure thing now days), they are going to make you pay more for the loan in the form of higher interest rates...

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Keeping Up Your Credit Rating

credit credit rating credit score

Just as you need to keep an eye on your customers’ credit rating, your suppliers are likely to be doing the same for you. If your credit score slips below 80, red lights will start flashing. Interest rates might go up, the bank will start to ask questions, lenders might call in their loans, suppliers may withdraw credit. The life of your business will get a lot more difficult. What Affects the Business Credit Rating? You are probably aware that you need to make payments on time and keep on the right side of the law and regulation. You may...

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Will Unemployment Hurt My Credit Score?

credit credit score unemployment

As everyone already knows, the US unemployment rate has been strikingly high over the few years, resting at 9.8% in January 2011 according the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s down from a high of 10.6% in January of 2010, but our nation still has nearly 1 out of every 10 citizens unemployed. As if life wasn’t tough enough already for US consumers, creditors have tightened up their approval requirements. Yes, finance and refinance rates, especially in the home mortgage industry, are as low as ever, but hardly anyone has the credit score to get approved. This has left many...

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What Software Is Available to Repair Credit?

bad credit credit credit score good credit

As you no doubt already know there is no way to repair your credit strictly speaking. Hence there is no magic “repair credit” software. Having said this however there are a few tools you can use to help you in your quest to improve your credit from this point forward. The first will help you to repair your credit is a tool to help you pay your bills on time. Chances are you already have this tool available to you, you are just not aware of it. The bank or credit union that you work with most likely has an...

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