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Deducting Travel As a Business Expense

economics income tax IRS travel

As a general rule, travel expenses are deductible as a business expense as long as the expense is considered by the IRS to be an ordinary and necessary business expense under (IRC section 162). But when you incur a travel expense outside the United States, that is when the rules begin to change. Do not assume that 100% of your foreign travel expenses are tax deductible. And better yet, consult with your CPA during the planning phase of your foreign travel in order to maximize your opportunity for a tax deduction. General Rules Regarding Travel Expenses:Travel expenses traditionally includes the...

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Classy But Cheap Wedding Invitations on a Budget

budget cheap wedding

Weddings can cost a great deal of money. Usually included into the cost are full-color custom printed premium invitations. High-quality invitations can cost a significant amount of money and take a considerable amount of time to print. When you want classy invitations and your budget and schedule require that you produce cheap invitations, you should not feel that you do not have options. It is possible for you to produce cheap, unique invitations that complement your wedding theme without looking cheap. Although you won’t spend a lot of money for them, you can add your own personal touch to make...

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What’s the Bailout Plan All About?

bailout economics IRS tax return

Generally, the bailout plan was a sort of debt relief program that was pushed during the Bush administration. It was during a time wherein there was a great upheaval in the world of finance. After all, drastic circumstances require drastic steps to be taken to resolve it. How it works is that there was a recovery package valued at around $700 billion set aside for this. It’s technically a bailout program that called for the government to spend that allotted recovery package amount to buy out distressed mortgages. The thing with the recovery package is that it cannot go any...

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How to Apply for an Apartment

apartment application credit economics rent

Applying for an apartment is a simple process if you are prepared. The apartment search itself is often the hardest part of the equation; once you have a place you just need to apply and fill out some basic paperwork. Here are some ways to prepare for this process and some things you’ll need to have. The first thing you’ll want to do if you are interested in leasing an apartment is ask your landlord for a tenant application. Once you have the application, you’ll need to take care in filling it out completely and accurately. You will need to...

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How To Get Useful Credit Repair By Using Credit Counseling

credit credit repair credit score economics

It is crucial to choose the proper specialist for each activity or significant decision you need help with and this is certainly the same with credit counseling – choosing the ideal counselor may result in lots of extra benefits that could be weighed in “gold” to you personally! A certain time can come in everyone’s life when seriously indebted he cannot manage the credit card charges, home mortgages, loans anymore by on his own. In case you know how to flawlessly handle the payments, you’ll be given a fantastic credit rating, otherwise you’ll present a low credit score that will...

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